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The Fourth Bridge Over The Canal

Posted by admin on July 19, 2022

The Panama Canal is one of the seven modern wonders of the world.  It is the engineering marvel that has placed Panama at the crossroads of the Americas and made this country a trade and logistics hub serving not just the region but the world.  It has brought great prosperity to Panama and helped interconnect the planet during a period of rapid globalization.  Dividing Panama in half by a waterway, however, does bring logistical challenges of its own.   Since its creation, three bridges across the canal have been constructed to interconnect the eastern and western halves of the country.

Last month, the minister of Public Works proudly announced that it will re-start construction on the fourth bridge during the second semester of 2022. Creating over 4,000 direct jobs, its one of the most ambitious construction projects   Panama has taken on since the expansion of the Panama Canal.   The project is perhaps most poised to  benefit the  approximately 500,000 people living in Panama Oeste, including the Panama City suburbs of Chorrera and Arraijan.  However, this is improving nation-wide connectivity as a whole, while further integrating two of Panama’s most significant regions of economic activity.

The fourth bridge will be constructed simultaneously along with a third metro line, also already well under construction, which will also connect Panama City with Arraijan and Chorrera.  The metro line will traverse the canal via an underground tunnel.  Combined, these two massive infrastructure projects will ease congestion and further integrate two of Panama’s most important economic centers.

While the majority of our clients invest in Panama City, our second biggest area of business is along the Pacific coast beaches. Just about an hour away from the city, they make the perfect retirement spot,  vacation home, and/or Airbnb investment opportunity.  In addition to the fourth bridge, a new  “beach corridor” highway is being constructed.  These two massive investments will significantly improve weekend travel flows and allow people to get to the beaches faster.  Expect to see an increase in beach real estate prices as a result.  In addition,  Panama Pacifico residents just on the other side of the current bridge,  can also expect shorter commutes in and out of the city.  If you’re interested in purchasing in these areas before the fourth bridge over the canal turns them into a hotspot, don’t hesitate to contact us!


Photo by Victor Puente

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